
  Nicotine Pouches in the US Market Comparing Nicotine Pouches with traditional smokeless tobacco like Dip and Chew Tobacco products have existing around the globe for centuries. In the US during the 1800s, chewing tobacco was a very popular method of consumption. Cigarettes and cigars are obvious other examples. More recently large number of nicotine consumers are leaving dip and chew products behind, as more alternatives come available – alternatives that are smoke, spit and tobacco-free. Nicotine pouches (sometimes called nicopods, nico pouch, or tobacco-free Snus) have become one of the leading ways that smokeless users are getting their kick. You might be thinking to yourself, ‘how are these products different from each other and why are they becoming so popular?’. Let’s find out more: Nicotine Pouches vs Dip and Chew - How Are They Different? Dip and chew have been used in the US for a long time, they are traditional US tobacco products. Tobacco dip - is placed in the lower li